Meredith Little Seminar


The very center of our life revolves around love and relationship, not only to a partner, a parent, a child … but to each aspect of the world around us, and to the very mystery that somehow holds it all together.  Love turns our world into a place of intimacy and soul, suddenly so much more than the practical surface of a day or a relationship. There is no bottom to this well of love; somehow the deeper we dip the more we are able to truly see each other in our wild and infinite potential, and the more love can overflow into the world around us.

To love is instinctual, to create relationships that allow our love to flower, deepen and grow … that is a learned skill. With the courage to love we create a life vulnerable to pain, loss, joy, amazement, sweet kindness and raging despair. We learn to embrace the full beauty of being human, coming to accept and love even our own wounded places.  And so we bring the world alive with a loving gaze, learning to grieve, to celebrate, to set what we love free to reach its own personal potential.

During this week together we will sit in council each morning, spend ceremonial solo time on the land each afternoon, and in the late afternoon and evening we will listen to, witness and mirror the stories brought back from nature.

Please download here your: Application form Meredith Seminar


Please notice: The Eschwege Institut offers much more workshops and trainings than shown in this English speaking version of the website. Just to get a glimpse of or mainly German speaking programme, especially if German language wouldn´t be a problem for you, click here.