Vision Quest in Findhorn / Scotland
Attention: There is no online registration possible for this workshop. Please use the application form provided further down! And now, first get a glimpse of the landscape your Vision Quest will take place! The time has come to confirm a transition and to remove yourself from your former life. Vision Quest is to leave every possible distraction behind and become empty. We will prepare you to go out alone, with no food and a bare minimum of equipment, into the heart of the wilderness, for four days and nights. There you will live with yourself in wild solitude and surrender to the influences of the soul of nature, discovering it to be a true mirror of your self. The ocean as the most ancient landscape and the home of all living things will help to reconnect with that ancient home within you. Four days solo fast out in the wilderness of the Moray Firth. The guides in the base camp will keep watch over your safety day and night. Once we have received your Application form, we will provide you with all the information for preparation for your Vision Quest, on the inner and the outer, as well as with travel instructions etc.. You want to learn more about Vision Quests ? Then click here for the short essay “Vision Quests what for?” Please notice: The Eschwege Institut offers much more workshops and trainings than shown in this English speaking version of the website. Just to get a glimpse of our mainly German speaking programme, especially if German language wouldn´t be a problem for you, click here.VISION QUEST – An ancient rite of passage for modern people
The unimportant things fall away, and your emptiness invites the vision of the work that must be done. In your solitude, you wander through the precincts of death, where vision lies waiting. You drink from the springs of the deepest feeling and are filled with self-recognition. What is unimportant falls away. The work that must be done lies ahead.
Location of the wilderness
We will live in the wild dunelands and beaches of Findhorn at the Moray Firth in Scotland.
Structure of the Vision Quest
Five days of preparation in Findhorn, staying on the nature Campsite of the the Findhorn Community (self catering) at the edge of the forest and close to the dunes. We gather daily in the Earth lodge, or the woodland shelter (see picts) at the heart of the Findhorn Community.
Three days, back on the campsite, for integration of the vision into the life to which you return
Download your application form here: Application form VQ Findhorn 2025