13. November bis 17. November 2024

Coming into presence: an immersive ecotheatre journey

Kurssprache: Englisch

“The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.”

                                                              Muriel Rukeyser

This is a  journey of self-enquiry and self-discovery through the ancient art of theatre. The narrative on the stage is the result of a dialogue: a human calls out for the universe and the universe responds. In that response lies the meaning of our presence in the world.

Through creativity and imagination we embody different facets of humanity and expand our consciousness to embrace who we truly are. Participants will be guided to explore a new form of connection with the other-than-human-world (nature), develop an ecocentric perspective and become more present to what is inside and outside themselves.

The ecological crisis is an identity crisis, a consequence of humanity’s separation from all other living beings. This is especially affecting people that are going through a transformative change in their lives, such as teenagers moving towards adulthood and adults moving towards elderhood. Ecotheatre offers the tools to restore our sense of belonging and regain our agency.

Re-discovering the language of our ancestors, we will use the art of expression and the art of invocation to reinforce our purpose, pass a threshold or respond to what life is offering.

In this course we will investigate:

  • Somatic movement
  • Character embodiment
  • Creative writing
  • Relationship with the other-than-humans
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